SGS RSTS 서비스 제안

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데이터 원본 SGS RSTS-EE
  • 5898

International Type Approval (ITA) Restricted Substance Service Solution

International Type Approval (ITA) Restricted Substance Service Solution

Chemical presence in electrical and electronics products are in a growing concern because these chemicals could cause environmental pollution and pose risks to human during consumer’s uses, waste disposal and recovery process. Therefore, many countries are starting to implement restricted substances regulations on products sold in their market to minimize the use of hazardous substances in products and its manufacturing process.

With more restricted substances regulations coming effective in different countries, SGS is pleased to offer our International Type Approval (ITA) Restricted Substances Service Solution, covering over 60 countries. With our integrated ITA Restricted Substance Service, SGS could provide an one-stop, all-inclusive solution to demonstrate compliance against restricted substance regulations of global markets.

For more details, please refer to the relevant link. Thank you.

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