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EU’s Regulation (EU) 2025/40 on Packaging and Packaging Waste Entered into Force

Packaging has been playing its indispensable role in business activities and our daily lives. Yet, many of these packaging are intended to be used only once or a limited number of times before disposal.

In the European Union, the rules were first laid out in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC (PPWD) and now the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation 2025/40 (PPWR), regulate what kind of packaging can be placed on the EU market, as well as packaging waste management and prevention measures and all packaging must comply with essential requirements related to its manufacturing, composition, and reusable or recoverable nature.

The PPWR entered into force on 11 February 2025 and its general date of application is from 12 August 2026.  Directive 94/62/EC will be repealed from 12 August 2026 (with some exceptions). Decision 97/129/EC will be repealed from 12 August 2028.

The rules aim to minimise the quantities of packaging and waste generated while lowering the use of primary raw materials and fostering the transition to a circular, sustainable and competitive economy.  By replacing the PPWD, the new regulation harmonises national measures further - strengthening the internal market - notably for secondary raw materials, manufacturing, recycling and reuse.

The key highlight is shown in Article 5: 'Requirements for substances in packaging':

  • ≤100 mg/kg sum of lead, cadmium, mercury and chromium (VI), without prejudice to chemical restrictions falling under Annex XVII of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (Annex XVII of REACH) or specific measures on food contact materials (FCM) and articles in Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004
  • Unless prohibited by another Union act, restricts the use of PFAS in food contact packaging materials from August 12, 2026
  • Requires technical documentation (Annex XVII) to demonstrate compliance with the above two points
  • Authorizes the European Commission (EC) to monitor the presence of substances of concern (SoC) in packaging, report the findings by December 31, 2026, and examine appropriate follow-up measures, including new restrictions on these chemicals
Other highlights of the provisions in the PPWR can be found in SG 019/25.


SGS packaging services offer a full range of testing and certification solutions to assist clients in the design, review and development of primary, secondary and transport packaging:
  • Performance testing under transportation conditions
  • Physical performance and chemical properties of all your packaging materials
  • Food contact testing for materials intended to come in contact with foodstuffs
  • FSC certification

Through our global network of laboratories and highly trained specialists, SGS offers a one-stop-shop for services to ensure that your production and distribution systems support your compliance with REACH legislation.

Please contact our Customer Service Team for more information!



