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Introduction of Biodegradability and Compostability Services

With consumers now being more environmentally friendly, the concept of green marketing has helped companies gain leverage and enter a niche market between conscious consumers. Acquiring biodegradable and compostable materials can provide consumers with the right decision and contribute to social sustainability. In addition, unsubstantiated claims about using biodegradable and/or compostable plastics could result in reputational damage of a company and result in legal challenge. 


There are many benefits to using biodegradable and/or compostable plastics in lieu of traditional plastics. For instance, these newer plastics are non-toxic, can be readily recycled, take less energy to manufacture and shorter time to break down. This also means that we’re helping to conserve petroleum supplies. 

Over the past few years, environmental organizations have raised their concern on detection of biodegradable plastics in bio-waste and doubted their distinguishability from conventional plastics. To help enterprises to identify whether the material is biodegradable and/or compostable, SGS is pleased to offer its comprehensive solution on Biodegradability and Compostability of plastics: 

  • ASTM D5338 ‘This method exposes the test substances to an inoculum derived from compost. The inoculum determines the degree and rate of aerobic biodegradation in a controlled environment’
  • ASTM D6400 ‘Standard specification for labeling of plastics designed to be aerobically composted in municipal or industrial facilities’
  • EN 13432 ‘Packaging. Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation
  • ISO 14855 ‘Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability and disintegration of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions - Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide.

SGS, Biodegradability, Compostability  

Independent and innovative, our Electrical & Electronics experts use state-of-the-art facilities and technology to deliver tailor made services that help improve your business.

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